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How can a simple rodent transmit diseases?


Rats and mice can not only cause damage to our home or work, but also serious health problems for humans; salmonella, leptospirosis, Weil’s disease or hantavirus are just a few diseases that these rodents can transmit.

If you suffer a rodent infestation at home or at work, you should know that even the act of breathing could infect us.

Both rats and mice trace a urine path to the food source, and these small animals deposit between 50 and 80 droppings in a single night randomly dispersed where they pass.

Direct contact with the skin, eyes, open wounds, eating contaminated food and inhaling dust or dirt that has previously been contaminated by urine and rodent feces can infect us.

Touching a dead mouse can cause serious health problems such as rabies or tularemia. In addition to all this, the danger of a mouse bite can lead us to suffer serious health problems, since its saliva is a source of diseases, when entering the blood system it is safe contagion of some disease such as leptospirosis or bite fever of rat.

Our recommendation is to maintain a preventive control of rodents in your home and work to take care of your health, request a no obligation quote go to https://daddyspestsolutions.com/index.php/contact-us/ No Fear! Daddy is here!